Finiture Green

3-Dimensionality and texture: the finishing trend seen at Surface Design Show, London

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Lines and three-dimensionality dominated the booths at the London event, where Finiture Green participated as a media partner for the second consecutive year. Interior design is evolving towards increasingly tactile solutions, where light plays a key role in enhancing surfaces.

From eco-friendly wooden panels to foam and ceramics, material research continues to push the boundaries of design. Companies are focusing on sustainable and recyclable solutions, proving that aesthetics and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand.

Wooden boiserie and 3d Cladding

Wooden boiserie remains a key player, with fluted effects that bring movement to spaces. Wood, a natural and eco-friendly material, is crafted into sinuous patterns that amplify spatial perception. Eco-friendly wooden panels, inspired by Saviola’s Bauhaus design, for example, combine aesthetics and sustainability, demonstrating that responsible design can also be highly contemporary.

Ceramics and marble: evolving volumes

It’s not just wood – three-dimensionality also extends to ceramics, with sculpted surfaces that add dynamism to interiors. Fluted patterns and varying reliefs turn ceramics into a distinctly decorative element.
Marble also embraces this trend, with special finishes that enhance its materiality.

Surface Design Show_3d wall panels
Surface Design Show_Alpi
Surface Design Show_Grestec
Surface Design Show_Orac Decor
Surface Design Show_Saviola

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